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Winners at Umeågalan – Niklas Norgren, CEO UmanDiagnostics, and Sofia Mayans, CEO Inficure Bio.

​Three wins for life science at big business gala

When Umeå's big business gala was held on November 7, three of twelve awards went to life science. "Previously, life science had a relatively hidden role in Umeå – but during this year's Umeågala we have proven that we are an industry that has great potential", says Jennie Ekbeck, CEO of Umeå Biotech Incubator.

Winners at Umeågalan – Niklas Norgren, CEO UmanDiagnostics, and Sofia Mayans, CEO Inficure Bio.

Tre vinster för life science på stor företagsgala

När Umeås stora företagsgala anordnades den 7 november gick tre av tolv priser till life science. – Tidigare har life science haft en relativt undanskymd roll i Umeå – men under årets Umeågala har vi bevisat att vi är en bransch att räkna med och att vi har stor potential, säger Jennie Ekbeck, vd på Umeå Biotech Incubator.

Sofia Mayans and Dan Holmberg, Inficure Bio.

Inficure Bio slår nya rekord – tar hem storaffär i USA

I april tog Umeåbaserade Inficure Bio hem den största affären i bolagets historia. Nu har man skrivit avtal om en ny affär – som är dubbelt så stor. – Det här är en fantastisk möjlighet för oss. Affärer som denna visar att trovärdigheten för oss har ökat, säger Sofia Mayans, vd på Inficure Bio.

Sofia Mayans and Dan Holmberg, Inficure Bio.

Inficure Bio sets new record with major US deal

Umeå-based Inficure Bio signed the biggest deal in the company's history back in April. Now they have signed a new deal - which is twice as large. “This is a fantastic opportunity for us. Deals like this demonstrate that our international credibility is increasing”, says Sofia Mayans, CEO of Inficure Bio.

Sofia Mayans and Dan Holmberg, Inficure Bio.

Inficure Bio attract millions in new funding round

Life science company Inficure Bio attract millions in new funding round. “Attracting new investment allows us to move faster. We have lots of potential customers and we want to launch new applications for our product”, says Sofia Mayans, CEO of Umeå-based Inficure Bio.

Sofia Mayans och Dan Holmberg, grundarna av Inficure Bio.

Inficure Bio tar in miljonbelopp

Life science-bolaget Inficure Bio tar in miljonbelopp i en ny finansieringsrunda. – Mer pengar gör att vi kan gå snabbare fram. Vi har många potentiella kunder och vill också lansera nya användningsområden för vår produkt, säger Sofia Mayans, vd på Inficure Bio.

Lena Söderström.

Experienced CEO moves to Umeå life science company

Umeå-based life science company Inficure Bio has appointed Lena Söderström, who was previously in charge at stock exchange listed company Senzime, as its new chairman of the board of directors.

Sofia Mayans and Dan Holmberg, Inficure Bio.

Life science-bolag får största ordern – i företagets historia

Life science-företaget Inficure Bio har tecknat det största avtalet i företagets historia. – Det känns otroligt bra. Ju fler stora kunder vi får, desto större blir vår trovärdighet. Avtalet är en fjäder i hatten för oss, säger Sofia Mayans, vd på Inficure Bio.

Sofia Mayans and Dan Holmberg, Inficure Bio.

Life science company wins biggest order in its history

​Umeå-based life science company Inficure Bio has just won the largest contract in its history. “It feels incredible! The more large customers we get the greater our credibility becomes. This agreement is a real feather in our cap”, says Sofia Mayans, CEO of Inficure Bio.

Sofia Mayans and Dan Holmberg, Inficure Bio.

Umeå life science company granted millions to develop new product

Life science company Inficure Bio has been awarded millions by Vinnova to support the company's development of a model that will help create new treatments for fibrosis. “This money is incredibly important to us. Thanks to this investment we can now finish developing a new product”, says Sofia Mayans, CEO of Inficure Bio.

Dan Holmberg och Sofia Mayans, grundare av Inficure Bio.

Life science-företag tar hem miljonbelopp – ska skapa ny produkt

Life science-företaget Inficure Bio har beviljats miljonbelopp från Vinnova, som stöd till företagets produktutveckling. – Det är värdefulla pengar för oss att få. Tack vare stödet kan vi färdigställa en ny produkt, säger Sofia Mayans, vd på Inficure Bio.

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We grow ideas that can change the world

Umeå Biotech Incubator (UBI) is one of Sweden’s state-of-the-art business incubators within the life sciences. We help researchers to use their data to the benefit of patients and citizens, improving their health. We support and train entrepreneurs in the fields of pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and medical engineering, and act as a bridge between academia, medicine and the business community.

Umeå Biotech Incubator

Tvistevägen 48C
907 36 Umeå